are born after a gestation period of six months, and are carefully cared
for by their mothers, which can be seen in the top left photo of the little
duo close to mom. Although other females in the troop like to play with
the infant, the mother will only allow them to hold it once it has learned
to walk. Our guide said that when an adult male is threatened by dominant
males, he will often grab an infant from any female in the troop, which
successfully foils the attack.
Young vervet monkeys like the one at bottom right sunning himself on a bridge
are born mainly from October to January after a gestation period of 140
days. As they share the riverine forest with a host of birds, including
one of their major predators the crowned eagle young monkeys
must quickly learn to distinguish between dangerous and harmless birds.
We watched one vervet torment the manager of an outdoor bar at the hotel
fronting on the park until the man's face grew set and hard and he began
stalking the patio area, red-faced and sweating, with a slingshot in his
hand and murder in his eye. While it was understandable that the potential
for injury to a guest would be any establishment's greatest and justifiable
fear, it was also clear that it was quite the game for the vervet, who would
preen and chitter as its actions sparked laughter from the small crowd. |