BONES, a very special event of storytelling
and dance featuring Lana'i long-time favorites
Fujii-Babb and
Yukie Shiroma,
instructors for the
Youth Art &
Story Program
BONES is a darkly humorous exploration in dance,
music, and story inspired by classic Hawaiian storytelling and the mystique of
ancient human bones.
& Performed by Nyla Fujii-Babb & Yukie Shiroma
Masks & Textile
Design by Michael Harada
Costumes by Gary Fujimoto
Presented in conjunction with Monkey Waterfall. original production
sponsored by the Statewide Cultural Extension Program of the Outreach College,
University of Hawaii, Manoa with financial
assistance from the Hawaii Tourism Authority & Maui County Office of Economic
Development. Many thanks for their dedication to keeping art alive in Hawaii!
to the crowd of almost 100 who came out for "Bones" at the Four Seasons
Lodge at Koele on Sunday, November 2, 2008 and special thanks to Four Seasons
for hosting our live events in their wonderful space!

a very personal place we began to explore in dance and story the power of human
remains to call forth very different reactions from people all over the worldhuman
bones as artistic icons, bones as something mystical, as the essence of the ancestors
. . .
Death drives our ambitions, fuels our fears, impels us to action or to
paralysis even while we attempt to defy and deny its certainty. Yet Bones remind
us of Death in the midst of Life. Bones remind us that Life does not necessarily
end at Death.